Art is an expression of ourselves. At the very core of it, it can be a selfish venture to showcase one’s self or one’s view to the world. Oftentimes we create art in our work and it becomes personal. We take pride in the detail, the planning, execution, and final product that we created. Then someone comes along with critique …
A #1 With A Sweet Tea
Sitting down at one of my favorite local restaurants I ordered a #1 with a Sweet Tea to drink.The server asks me if that will be all and I say yes expectantly awaiting my food. The food arrives and it comes out perfectly. It looks and tastes just like the last time I had it. Sometimes creative liberty can be …
Happenstance or Intentional
Humans are naturally intentional. When unintentionality is present, it’s simply because one chose to be. Unintentionally is simply deferring the present to avoid being uncomfortable. We ignore the present to hold on to what we have rather than growing and improving to continue moving forward. Unintentionality is convenient when we need it to be. It’s justified in moments of fear …
Presentation that drives demand
A child judging value: Presenting the same information in a more appealing way drives demand. But how important is it? At Fire and Hammer we’ve been on the same journey all businesses are on, learning how to present ourselves in a way that people will find our offerings as valuable. What’s the difference between a row of 5 quarters vs. …
Why Being Unique is so Important
I haven’t read the book Purple Cow by Seth Godin, but from what I’ve heard, the point is that a Purple Cow is memorable, while a black and white cow is not. Why not be purple? Is it scary? What’s wrong with having lots of attention and being remembered? Idk if people expect fakeness, or if fakeness is so normal …
There is no such thing as “free.” If there was anything truly free, that means that no one ever paid a price for it. That would break the laws of economics, it just doesn’t exist. There are such things as gifts, but no such thing as free. Someone always pays for free. So, what are you getting that’s free? What are …
Fluff and Stuff
The Internet has become a huge place for information. Technology has made it easier and easier to place and post information all over on the internet. As a result, there is now a ton of fluffy white noise everywhere you look. So much marketing content is being produced and published now that every outlet is filled with “fluff-and-stuff” content. So much …
I Built It, So of Course It’s Awesome
It is too easy to live in the bubble of creation. We get trapped in the mentality, “I built it, so of course it’s awesome, and everyone will love it.” Who did you talk to before building and creating that website? Was the problem made up, or was it something real that you could document? This post is not meant to …
The Customer Isn’t Always Right: Serving with Purpose
This is totally a hot topic (well for me at least, I get excited over stuff like this all the time), because a lot of us grew up with the mentality that, “the customer is always right.” The internet is full of information and the trend is that customers do research before buying. So, some customers will know the lingo for …
Giving Value in Marketing
My father grew up in the 60’s. Listening to him tell stories of his childhood makes me realize how fast the world has changed. Some of his stories include not having a TV until much later on in life. That amazes me because we live live in a world where we are inundated with smart devices. Because technology has become …