Clarity is often taken for granted and treated as a commodity. Clarity is often forgotten about and overlooked. Clarity is worth more than seems at first glance. Clarity is something people are searching for. Clarity is a guide that allows us to move forward. Clarity draws lines and reveals the boundaries to us. Clarity allows us to serve others. Clarity …
Responsibility and ownership are essential to a productive and effective team. They are the cornerstones of meaningful work, team morale, and pride in accomplishment. However, there is a third piece to this architecture and without it ownership and responsibility can turn poisonous and destroy a team from the inside out rather than build it. The third corner stone is authority. …
How to Lead
There are so many books about leading. There are so many self-help videos and blogs about how to be the leader that you need to be. But how do you actually lead, that’s the question. What exactly is leadership and how do you actually lead people? I’m not an expert in this subject at all. Here are a few keys …
Trust The Team
Trust is a small word but it comes with heavy weight. Trust is natural, though. I trust the barista to make my coffee just the way I ordered it. I trust that my waiter will bring out the food I ordered. Trust is so natural to us that we are surprised when it’s broken. It goes against our nature to …