Happenstance or Intentional

Humans are naturally intentional. When unintentionality is present, it’s simply because one chose to be. 

Unintentionally is simply deferring the present to avoid being uncomfortable. We ignore the present to hold on to what we have rather than growing and improving to continue moving forward.

Unintentionality is convenient when we need it to be. It’s justified in moments of fear or pain.

It’s easy to blame outcomes on luck or happenstance. It is hard to see the intent that created desired outcomes. 

Consequences whether good or bad are inevitable. Every experience in life comes from actions taken or not taken. 

It takes fortitude and bravery to be intentional. 

  • Courage cannot be present without facing fear. 
  • Success will not happen without the possibility of failure. 
  • Reward is only achieved through dealing with risk.

Each of these take an intentional mindset. To intentionally face the present and not defer to tomorrow because we are simply too busy with fake work.

Be intentional. Be present.