The Title is an obvious way to let people know what your book is about. It’s a simple way to communicate the sum of the thousands of words that have been written before they are read. Though most will not fully understand the title until they have actually read the book. The real journey always begins with the first chapter …
Hello–on the surface it’s a simple word that we use everyday. Underneath, it’s a complex word that ties in deeply to our culture, childhood perspective, and daily interactions that occur within our individual microcosm. Consciously or unconsciously each of us have assumptions when it comes to saying hello. Here are a few things you should know and probably already do …
Mmmmm Politics
I’m not talking about the politics where we vote for one candidate over the other. I’m talking about the politics in the office. The games that we tend to play as people when we have to navigate murky and muddy waters of the workplace. First let’s just get this out there. Office politics are no fun to play, there are …
A #1 With A Sweet Tea
Sitting down at one of my favorite local restaurants I ordered a #1 with a Sweet Tea to drink.The server asks me if that will be all and I say yes expectantly awaiting my food. The food arrives and it comes out perfectly. It looks and tastes just like the last time I had it. Sometimes creative liberty can be …
How to Lead
There are so many books about leading. There are so many self-help videos and blogs about how to be the leader that you need to be. But how do you actually lead, that’s the question. What exactly is leadership and how do you actually lead people? I’m not an expert in this subject at all. Here are a few keys …
Trust The Team
Trust is a small word but it comes with heavy weight. Trust is natural, though. I trust the barista to make my coffee just the way I ordered it. I trust that my waiter will bring out the food I ordered. Trust is so natural to us that we are surprised when it’s broken. It goes against our nature to …
Invisible Expectations
As consumers we are genuinely unaware of good customer experience and what it takes to produce that customer experience. When I walk into Chick Fil A I don’t think about the thousands of dollars that are spent on AC. It is so expected that I would only notice it if it wasn’t working and then I might even complain. It’s …
The Flow
A stream of water will continue on course until an obstacle is placed in its way to redirect it. It is much easier to go with the flow than it is to redirect it. Redirection does not fight the flow nor stop it. Rather it utilizes the flow. Redirection can have a powerful effect, positively, negatively, or both at the …
Road Signs
Most people don’t like change, but if you can establish expectations, direction, upcoming opportunities, and when it will occur ahead of the actual event, the transition is much smoother. Exit and road signs on the highway do this for us, so at the end of the day, people only need to think about taking a left or right turn off …
Fire & Hammer offers branding and digital marketing through in-depth discovery of small and medium sized businesses so that they can make better connections online. Marketing has always been about attention, but because there’s so much noise in the world today, businesses have to connect with their audience to win. Just getting attention without connecting won’t work anymore. And to …