Our world is changing. Technology and the ability it gives us to complete tasks is increasing at an exponential rate. The amount of technology that is being produced and fed to consumers and businesses has increased exponentially over the last decade and it is only going to keep increasing. Because of this, the world is being driven by a “faster, smaller, …
SEO – What It Is and Why You Should Care
SEO is a term that a lot of people throw around. It is a term that is commonly used to describe every aspect of digital marketing. In light of this misunderstanding, I wanted to stop and give you the lowdown on what SEO means, how you can use it, and how to view it. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. …
Tomorrow will never be today. It will never come. It only happens tomorrow. So how can it help today? There are a lot of people who fail because they are always looking at tomorrow to get things done. They are placing their hopes and dreams in something that will never happen. It is always and will forever be today. I am …
Branding’s Little Brother, Culture
This post closely follows one of the last posts I made about branding. In that post we talked about a what branding was, how to see it, how to think about it. The idea behind this post is how to think about company culture. If branding is the right hand of a company culture is the left hand. You cannot have one …
The “What’s What” of Branding
Well, the internet is down. Our neighbors cut the line outside, so I have just been writing all day about lots of different topics and you know what? It occurred to me to talk about branding. I’m going to help bring it into perspective and shed some light on this monster. So… branding. I talk to a lot of people about …
How to Turn the Lights On
In one of my last posts, I did a Dr. Seuss style metaphor about turning the lights on in your business called Zaggerbaggers & Night Lights. This post is more down to earth. I have found that as a young entrepreneur I had no idea how easy it is to NOT understand what is going on inside of the company, that means …
Zagberbaggers & Night Lights
Darkness is amazing. It takes everyday moments and creates something completely different. As children, it turned our closets into hiding places for Blaggurlothes that ate our clothes. It made our jackets turn into scary Falcketsackets that were out to get us. Our beds became haunted by the Zagberbaggers that would eat our feet if we hung them off the side of the …
Winds, Whims, & Roots
It’s a beautiful sunny day, blue skies and white puffy clouds. Watching the clouds fly across the sky being driven by the wind is cool to watch. Watching how the wind shapes them to look like ducks, faces, and dogs with wings, it makes you stop and pause for a moment. Sometimes though, the wind is what drives the storm, and the …
Teachers Teachers Everywhere
Remember school and all the homework you had to do? Remember the long hours in classes listening to the teacher go on and on about science, history, or math? When I say teacher, most of the time this is the first thing that comes to mind, and it is an idea that has really shaped us as a society. Our idea …
Lost in the Fog
Take a moment and picture yourself driving a car full of friends. You are headed to a cabin in a remote location to have an awesome vacation. Everyone knows where the cabin is located, but no one knows exactly how to get there. Everyone has decided to “just wing it and we will eventually get there.” Everyone’s enjoying the ride and watching …