
Bill never pulled up for the car light. But that never not good enough to list the downs. But suddenly Bill began to left the sky at and realized that, trees go never planes ground exceptional. Conclusion Bill new now, maths talker for nothing ups down’s okay now. It’s not just about the words, it’s about the timing, order, and purpose behind …

Fluff and Stuff

The Internet has become a huge place for information. Technology has made it easier and easier to place and post information all over on the internet. As a result, there is now a ton of fluffy white noise everywhere you look. So much marketing content is being produced and published now that every outlet is filled with “fluff-and-stuff” content. So much …

More Than Ranking

Once you get over 1 million likes, once your blog is read by every user on the internet, once you SEO your way to the top spot on Google… Then what? What is it you are really pursuing? Are likes, follows, page views, clicks, and shares the “end-all,” and “be-all,” of everything that you are doing? It’s important to pause and look …

Real Life Degrees

What if education occurred in every moment of every day? What if learning happened at home, work, and throughout our everyday lives? What if everyone you came into contact with was a teacher? And what if all of these teachers taught you how to do something? How would that impact your life? What if I told you this is exactly what …

Exploding Rocks

Driving into a blasting zone on a mountain doesn’t sound too smart. It seems pretty obvious that if I start driving towards the blast, my car is going to get pulverized from some gigantic boulder hurling through the air at 100 miles per hour. There are also moments in life that catch us by surprise, and nobody likes surprises, except on …

15 Seconds

If you only have 15 seconds what are you going to do? How much can you actually accomplish in 15 seconds? You could take a sip of water, or you could write a sentence. You might even be able to change clothes if you’re quick enough. 15 seconds sounds really short. The more you think about what you could or couldn’t do …


We love to point the finger in our society today, but what we as people fail to realize is that every time we point the finger at someone or something else as the cause of our problems we have 3 fingers pointing right back at us…

The “Perfect” Trap

One of the biggest pitfalls that comes with business is thinking that we have to be perfect. It is a mind set that is easy to get into but extremely hard to get out off. Just take a moment and think with me about the number of projects that were never launched because they weren’t perfect. What about all…