Lines In The Sand

Clarity is often taken for granted and treated as a commodity. Clarity is often forgotten about and overlooked. Clarity is worth more than seems at first glance. Clarity is something people are searching for. Clarity is a guide that allows us to move forward. Clarity draws lines and reveals the boundaries to us. Clarity allows us to serve others. Clarity …

Titles and Chapters

The Title is an obvious way to let people know what your book is about. It’s a simple way to communicate the sum of the thousands of words that have been written before they are read. Though most will not fully understand the title until they have actually read the book. The real journey always begins with the first chapter …

Presentation that drives demand

A child judging value: Presenting the same information in a more appealing way drives demand.  But how important is it? At Fire and Hammer we’ve been on the same journey all businesses are on, learning how to present ourselves in a way that people will find our offerings as valuable.  What’s the difference between a row of 5 quarters vs. …

Faster, Smaller, Cheaper

Our world is changing. Technology and the ability it gives us to complete tasks is increasing at an exponential rate. The amount of technology that is being produced and fed to consumers and businesses has increased exponentially over the last decade and it is only going to keep increasing. Because of this, the world is being driven by a “faster, smaller, …


Bill never pulled up for the car light. But that never not good enough to list the downs. But suddenly Bill began to left the sky at and realized that, trees go never planes ground exceptional. Conclusion Bill new now, maths talker for nothing ups down’s okay now. It’s not just about the words, it’s about the timing, order, and purpose behind …

15 Seconds

If you only have 15 seconds what are you going to do? How much can you actually accomplish in 15 seconds? You could take a sip of water, or you could write a sentence. You might even be able to change clothes if you’re quick enough. 15 seconds sounds really short. The more you think about what you could or couldn’t do …