Taking a Step Back

Sometimes trying to solve the problem at hand isn’t the best way to get a solution. Oftentimes when I take a step back and look up from the problem at hand, I discover a more simple solution. To take this concept even further, it’s been said that the best ideas come in the shower, and I think that’s because we’re …

Worthwhile Work

Many of us are looking for worthwhile work. That means work that matters, work that changes and shapes with the demands of servitude required. Work that is founded on principle. The factory model is dead, but a new wave of service and purpose is being caught by some entrepreneurs, business owners and service professionals. Even product-based companies are transitioning to …

Lines In The Sand

Clarity is often taken for granted and treated as a commodity. Clarity is often forgotten about and overlooked. Clarity is worth more than seems at first glance. Clarity is something people are searching for. Clarity is a guide that allows us to move forward. Clarity draws lines and reveals the boundaries to us. Clarity allows us to serve others. Clarity …


Art is an expression of ourselves. At the very core of it, it can be a selfish venture to showcase one’s self or one’s view to the world. Oftentimes we create art in our work and it becomes personal. We take pride in the detail, the planning, execution, and final product that we created. Then someone comes along with critique …

Giving Value in Marketing

My father grew up in the 60’s. Listening to him tell stories of his childhood makes me realize how fast the world has changed. Some of his stories include not having a TV until much later on in life. That amazes me because we live live in a world where we are inundated with smart devices. Because technology has become …